J'adore cette artiste, La Grande Sophie, que j'ai decouverte aux Solidays y'a quelques annees et je partage donc avec vous une de mes chansons preferee. Tres beau texte sur l'enfance et le temps qui passe. Et vous vous en pensez quoi?
vendredi, septembre 21, 2007
Trop fort ces petites betes mais notre jardin est un vrai champ de bataille
On a un adorable ecureil dans notre jardin qui s'amuse a faire des trous pour cacher toutes ses reserves et on va pas tarder a lui mettre une mangeoire quand il fera plus froid. Il a aussi un pote donc nous les avons baptises Tic et Tac et c'est trop marrant quand ils se courents apres en equilibriste sur la cloture du jardin.
J'ai trouve cela sur le net et je dois dire que ces petites betes sont futes, rapides et adorables.
J'ai trouve cela sur le net et je dois dire que ces petites betes sont futes, rapides et adorables.
Clin d'oeil avant le match de ce soir
mercredi, septembre 19, 2007
Si c'est pas du planning!

Comme vous le savez nous serons sous le soleil de l'Asie pour les fetes de fin d'annee mais on compte sur vous.
En effet meme si on doit voyager light (on fait un vol interne ou nous sommes limite a 15kg de baggages) on espere avoir des petits trucs a ouvrir. Des petits mots, des cadeaux light (prix et poids!), des attentions qui font que meme si on est loin en train de se dorer la pillule on sera un peu avec vous par la pensee.
Je commence donc la collecte et si vous etes partants tout peut etre envoye chez ma maman a Puteaux parce que on va passer par la bas avant de s'envoler pour une bonne dose d'UVA et UVB. Adresse dispo sur simple demande!
PS - suite au premier commentaire non ce n'est pas trop tot (c'est jamais trop tot pour les cadeaux!!!!) parce que je ne vais pas donner d'idees donc il faut du temps pour trouver le bon objet qui soit pas tres cher,leger, incassable, non-comestible (pas de chocolat qui fond), utile et surtout legal (donc pas de lames de rasoir pour ceux qui se demandent de quoi je parle!). Bref faites nous un poeme cela nous ira bien!
mardi, septembre 18, 2007
Cerveau pas ramollo!
A lire parce que le bilinguisme a bien des avantages
Being bilingual 'protects brain' (source bbc.co.uk)
Being fluent in two languages may help to keep the brain sharper for longer, a study suggests.
Researchers from York University in Canada carried out tests on 104 people between the ages of 30 and 88.
They found that those who were fluent in two languages rather than just one were sharper mentally.
Writing in the journal of Psychology and Ageing, they said being bilingual may protect against mental decline in old age.
Previous studies have shown that keeping the brain active can protect against senile dementia.
Research has shown that people who play musical instruments, dance or read regularly may be less likely to develop the condition.
Other activities like doing crosswords or playing board games may also help.
Half of the volunteers came from Canada and spoke only English. The other half came from India and were fluent in both English and Tamil.
The volunteers had similar backgrounds in the sense that they were all educated to degree level and were all middle class.
The researchers found that the people who were fluent in English and Tamil responded faster than those who were fluent in just English. This applied to all age groups.
The researchers also found that the bilingual volunteers were much less likely to suffer from the mental decline associated with old age.
"The bilinguals were more efficient at all ages tested and showed a slower rate of decline for some processes with aging," they said.
"It appears...that bilingualism helps to offset age-related losses."
The UK's Alzheimer's Society welcomed the study.
Being bilingual 'protects brain' (source bbc.co.uk)
Being fluent in two languages may help to keep the brain sharper for longer, a study suggests.
Researchers from York University in Canada carried out tests on 104 people between the ages of 30 and 88.
They found that those who were fluent in two languages rather than just one were sharper mentally.
Writing in the journal of Psychology and Ageing, they said being bilingual may protect against mental decline in old age.
Previous studies have shown that keeping the brain active can protect against senile dementia.
Research has shown that people who play musical instruments, dance or read regularly may be less likely to develop the condition.
Other activities like doing crosswords or playing board games may also help.
Half of the volunteers came from Canada and spoke only English. The other half came from India and were fluent in both English and Tamil.
The volunteers had similar backgrounds in the sense that they were all educated to degree level and were all middle class.
The researchers found that the people who were fluent in English and Tamil responded faster than those who were fluent in just English. This applied to all age groups.
The researchers also found that the bilingual volunteers were much less likely to suffer from the mental decline associated with old age.
"The bilinguals were more efficient at all ages tested and showed a slower rate of decline for some processes with aging," they said.
"It appears...that bilingualism helps to offset age-related losses."
The UK's Alzheimer's Society welcomed the study.
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